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Argentum: National Senior Living Industry Research

The 2024 Forecast Report: Industry Trends in Workforce, Food, and Utilities
Taking the First Steps Toward an Innovation Roadmap
The Older Adult: Perspectives and

Featured Publications

Managing Risks and Realities

This white paper examines the evolving policies and practices related to vaccines, visitation, and infection prevention and control (IPC) in senior living during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights how experienced leaders offer crucial insights into developing and implementing effective vaccination and visitation policies, preparing for future IPC adjustments, and refining IPC strategies. Their real-world perspectives are essential for adapting to ongoing challenges and enhancing health protocols in senior living environments.

Mental Well-Being and the Senior Living Workforce

This white paper addresses the critical need for mental well-being among senior living workers, who face unique stressors due to their mission to care for vulnerable populations. Experts provide guidance on preserving relationships, improving recruitment, and enhancing retention by emphasizing the importance of maintaining open communication, recognizing signs of burnout, and utilizing online resources. Their insights aim to support the workforce effectively and ensure a sustainable and supportive work environment in senior living settings.

Cybersecurity Risks in Senior Living

This white paper explores the increasing use of wireless communication networks in senior living communities, emphasizing the need to protect sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) exchanged between medical professionals, families, and financial institutions. Experts provide insights into essential cybersecurity practices that offer significant benefits, strategies for ensuring the safety of residents and families, and approaches for preparing both current and future workforce members. Their recommendations aim to enhance cybersecurity and safeguard critical information in senior living settings.

Building a Positive Public Relations Framework

This white paper outlines strategies for effectively promoting the senior living industry through proactive and strategic communication. An expert from Cookerly Public Relations shares insights on building and maintaining trust, loyalty, and a positive reputation, especially during challenging times. Key topics include optimal timing for responses, avoiding overreaction, and focusing on unexpected areas that influence public perceptions. Additionally, the paper features a data visualization of media impressions related to senior living, providing a comprehensive view of its public image.

Senior Living 2020 Forecast on Food Costs

This white paper explores the significant impact of food costs on the senior living industry, alongside labor and utilities. It provides valuable insights into future dining trends and offers strategies for leveraging big data to achieve substantial savings. Highlights include projections of food prices for 2020, cost comparisons between retail and dining out, and trends in commodities commonly used in senior living. This summary is drawn from a comprehensive 60-page report, available in full to Argentum members.

Elevating the Senior Living Profession

This white paper addresses the dynamic changes in the senior living industry and the corresponding evolution in required skills and training. It features insights from three higher education leaders on preparing future professionals, explores effective coaching techniques for emerging sales talent, and examines the essential elements of successful engagement technology. Aimed at professionals, educators, and technology developers, this paper offers a comprehensive overview of how to adapt and thrive in the evolving senior living landscape.

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